what is a doula?

The word doula comes from a Greek word which means “woman servant.”

A doula’s role is to “mother the mother” by providing continuous emotional, physical, and informational support. A doula helps the mother feel safe, cared for, and supported throughout pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum. A doula also works in tandem with the father—not replacing, but enhancing their role.

A doula does not complete any clinical tasks such as vaginal exams or fetal heart rate monitoring. A doula also does not make any decisions for you, medical or otherwise.


Research has shown that women who give birth with a doula are…

  • 39% less likely to give birth by cesarean

  • 41% less likely to need an assisted delivery

  • 35% less likely to be dissatisfied with their birth experience

  • 31% less likely to use synthetic oxytocin

  • Likely to have shorter labors

  • More successful at breastfeeding

  • Experience less postpartum depression and anxiety

  • Have greater self esteem